Mexico La Pluma de Lachao Viejo
Lot 1 Organic
Lot 1 Organic
Roast: Medium
Country: Mexico
Region: Sierra Sur de Oaxaca
Community: Lachao, UNECAFE
Process: Fully Washed
Grade: 84
Flavour Profile: Lemon-lime, Almond, Brown Sugar, Cocoa, Mint
Elevation: 1700-1900m
Varietals: Typica la Pluma and less than 10% of Mundo Novo
Certifications: USDA Organic, NOFA-NY Certified Organic
Weight: 240 Grams
Bag Style: Resealable, Vented Pouch
Our Impression: A Railbed Roaster favourite - this is the second time Railbed Roaster has had this coffee! I enjoyed the first round so much I had to get my hands on it again. This has been, so far, my most requested coffee, and most popular amongst return customers. This coffee is incredibly sweet on the palate, exhibiting familiar flavours of molasses that lingers in your mouth well after you swallow. It exudes a silky mouthfeel with initial flavours of roasted cashew. It’s a very smooth coffee, and I can’t wait to share it with you.Country: Mexico
Region: Sierra Sur de Oaxaca
Community: Lachao, UNECAFE
Process: Fully Washed
Grade: 84
Flavour Profile: Lemon-lime, Almond, Brown Sugar, Cocoa, Mint
Elevation: 1700-1900m
Varietals: Typica la Pluma and less than 10% of Mundo Novo
Certifications: USDA Organic, NOFA-NY Certified Organic
Weight: 240 Grams
Bag Style: Resealable, Vented Pouch
Try this Aeropress Recipe with this coffee!
The Aeropress recipe I like to share with this coffee is the recipe by Wendelien van Bunnik of the Netherlands, the 2019 World Aeropress champion! I don't have Spa Blauw water, or the Aesir Filter that the original recipe calls for, but it turns out just fine!
This recipe is the best recipe for pulling sweetness out of a coffee. If you taste a new coffee and you find it has pleasant sweet under notes, this recipe really pulls out everything the coffee has in the sweetness department, and leaves a very pleasant mouthfeel. My only criticism for this recipe is that it uses a lot of coffee which I find to be wasteful, however I pull this recipe out to wow some friends.
The Aeropress recipe I like to share with this coffee is the recipe by Wendelien van Bunnik of the Netherlands, the 2019 World Aeropress champion! I don't have Spa Blauw water, or the Aesir Filter that the original recipe calls for, but it turns out just fine!
This recipe is the best recipe for pulling sweetness out of a coffee. If you taste a new coffee and you find it has pleasant sweet under notes, this recipe really pulls out everything the coffee has in the sweetness department, and leaves a very pleasant mouthfeel. My only criticism for this recipe is that it uses a lot of coffee which I find to be wasteful, however I pull this recipe out to wow some friends.
Do not pre-warm brewing devices
Coffee: 30g
Grind: I set a calibrated Baratza Vario to 7M, or 7/10 (1=very fine, 10=very coarse)
Water: 100g Third Wave Water (standard profile)
water temp: 92c
Brewer: Inverted
Filter: standard Aeropress filter, rinsed
Total brew time: 60 seconds
0:00 - Pour 100g of water on the coffee in 10 seconds.
0:10 - Stir firmly for 20 times in 10 seconds
0:20 - Put the filter cap with rinsed filter on the brewer and gently press out excess air
0:40 - flip the AeroPress and press out all coffee over 20s.
- add 120g of water to coffee
- cool coffee down to 60c (I let my cup sit for roughly 2 minutes)
Coffee: 30g
Grind: I set a calibrated Baratza Vario to 7M, or 7/10 (1=very fine, 10=very coarse)
Water: 100g Third Wave Water (standard profile)
water temp: 92c
Brewer: Inverted
Filter: standard Aeropress filter, rinsed
Total brew time: 60 seconds
0:00 - Pour 100g of water on the coffee in 10 seconds.
0:10 - Stir firmly for 20 times in 10 seconds
0:20 - Put the filter cap with rinsed filter on the brewer and gently press out excess air
0:40 - flip the AeroPress and press out all coffee over 20s.
- add 120g of water to coffee
- cool coffee down to 60c (I let my cup sit for roughly 2 minutes)
Enjoy Railbed Roaster's rendition of the 2019 W.A.C recipe!
This coffee is grown on small plots spread over three, diverse ranges. Oaxaca is where the Sierra Madre del Sur and Sierra Mixteca ranges come together to form the Sierra Madre Occidental as it heads north. If you follow these ranges south of Oaxaca City towards the coast you find a unique climate – soft, pine-filled forested mountains that give way to steep, craggy coffee fields as you head into the heart of La Pluma. This is the district of Sierra Sur, and home to the coffee that made Mexico famous. La Pluma Hidalgo is a region within Sierra Sur, and the namesake for the La Pluma varietal (a type of typica). Before La Roya hit, this region was filled with buyers. With easy access to buyers and premiums, most farmers did not organize – and those that did had a hard time surviving the crash that came. The result is a mountain full of independents knit together by family relationships. Strong farmers in the region collect from their neighbors, separate tops out for us, and help us to get from 6 bags per family up to truck-load levels. Yet Joaquin Santana bucks this trend, and many other conventions, in the face. He is head of UNECAFE – Unidad Ecogica para El Sector Cafe Oaxaquenos. This 48 member group is held together by Joaquin’s will, appeal to the benefits of cooperation, and incessant cell use. While the group only meets a few times a year, Joaqin tours the different stations once a month to drink coffee with members, trade tips and talk shop. He is one of the few Spanish speakers in the group, and one with a phone, a car, and enough space in his house to stage coffee for pickup during harvest. But, aside from his personality, the proof is in the pudding. The group’s success is apparent – since forming in the early 90s, members have grown to have an average of 5 hectares per person, each hectare of which produces 800-1200 pounds of export grade coffee (3-4 times the average). This is due to aggressive organic practices, constant pruning, and the continual investment in new trees. This is the heart of La Pluma, and there is pride that comes with planting this specific varietal. All in all we see why they refer to themselves as a Toda Madre.