Tanziania Mwika North Peaberry

Roast: City Roast
Country: Tanzania
Region: North Kilimanjaro
Community: Mwika North AMCOS
Process: Fully Washed
Grade: 85
Flavour Profile: Grapefruit, cocoa powder, lemon, orange, vanilla
Elevation: 1675m
Varietals: Bourbon, Jackson Bourbo
Weight: 240 Grams
Bag Style: Resealable, Vented Pouch

Our ImpressionThis is Railbed Roaster’s first peaberry bean, so dialing in a recipe had some challenges for me as the curve for learning remains steep. The bean is less dense and is very small. When a coffee cherry typically fruits, it produces two halves of a coffee bean in the cherry. A peaberry only develops one half and remains really small, it’s quite adorable to look at. These properties give the Tanzanian peaberry a unique flavour that is familiar only to its region. You'll experience coffee with subtle sweet notes similar to vanilla, and sweet tobacco.
Try this coffee on our Aeropress recipe! 
Referred to by locals as one of the ‘gateways’ to Kilimanjaro, the town of Mwika has a centuries-long history of coffee. First brought to Tanzania by Germans to a place called Kaleme Church in 1835, a man named Zebadoya who was rewarded for his service to the Church with a charter to plant coffee—which he brought back home to Mwika. Though he was technically the only person the Church authorized to plant coffee in that area, coffee started sprouting in the gardens of Zebadoya’s friends, family and neighbors. As the population grew in the 1900s, so too did help for increasingly bigger harvests. Workers brought cherry back to their homes and planted it, too, spreading the coffee further to Kilimanjaro.​​​​​​​